State Education Establishment   (Державний навчальний заклад)

The Principle of Higher Vocational School 34 in Stryi (Директор ВПУ-34 м.Стрия)

Oleh Kyzyma


Phone contacts: (03245) 5-47-07


There are  two training and practical centres: (Два науково – практичні центри 🙂

  • Installer of sanitary – technical systems and equipment
  • Pastry cook.
  1. Installer of Sanitary-Technical Systems and Equipment
  2. Tailor
  3. Pastry Cook
  4. Barman
  5. Cook
  6. Welder
  7. Electrician of Power Networks and Electrical Equipment
  8. Fitter for Control Measuring Devices and Automation
  9. Car Repair Mechanic
  10. Truck Crane Operator
  11. Driver of B,C Categories
  12. Travel Agent. Receptionist
  13. Food Technologies (Unior Bachelor’s Degree)
  14. Technologies of Light Industry (Unior Bachelor’s Degree)
  15. Construction and Civil Engineering(Unior Bachelor’s Degree)


Мета програми: EU4Skills підтримати реформу професійно-технічної освіти в Україні з метою зробити навчання відповідним вимогам ринку праці та допомогти молодим людям і дорослим реалізувати свій потенціал, сприяти реформі професійно-технічної освіти на національному і регіональні рівні. Програму підтримали ЄС та його країни-члени Німеччина, Фінляндія, Польща та Естонія.The purpose of the program: EU4Skills supports the reform of vocational and technical education in Ukraine with the aim of making training relevant to the requirements of the labour market and helping young people and adults realize their potential, to assist reform of Vocational education on national and regional levels.
The program was supported by the EU and its member countries Germany, Finland, Poland and Estonia.
The organization of the educational process in our Higher Vocational School meets the requirements of state programs, the concept of national and patriotic education of students, the concept of civic personality education, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and moral principles of society.
The authorities of education process is carried out by Oleh Kyzyma, the principle of the Higher Vocational School together with his deputy principles Iryna Zablotska, Lesia Pavliv and Nina Masendych.
The educational process in our esteblishment is in accordance with core curriculum and vocational school curriculum and covers: civic, national, labour, moral education and formation creative development of a personality.
The stuff consists of 131 members. Among them: administration, 35 teachers, 39 teachers of industrial training ( masters), practical psychologist, social teacher, two methodists( supervisors) and 49 other employees. The total number of students -850